Home Nigeria NBC Ask DSS to detain staffs as they jam Radio Biafra signal...

NBC Ask DSS to detain staffs as they jam Radio Biafra signal in Lagos.

Radio Biafra
Radio Biafra

It is no longer news that the proposed republic of Biafra which has been a project on the sideline in the hearts and thoughts of individual and some prominent citizens from the eastern region of the federation.

In fact those who are proposing the creation of this republic, wanted a situation whereby they are given the opportunity to build an independent autonomy, a country devoid of any form of control of Nigeria and having liberty to dictate their ways and lifestyle.

Just recently news reports disclosed to the general public that The National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) has revealed that they have jammed the signals of a station “claiming to be Radio Biafra”, and broadcasting in “many parts of Lagos”.

This information was made known by the commission through a press statement released stating that the commission has jammed the signals of a suspected radio station posing as Biafra Radio and have further advice the Department of State Services (DSS) and the Nigeria police force to arrest and investigate authenticity of the staffs and operators of the allegedly “illegal” station.

According to history findings, Radio Biafra, was initially established by the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), is based in the United Kingdom and run by Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).

Recall that Nnamdi Manu had been at the receiving end of a political thug of war with the federal government basically on this same issue.

In the damming words of the NBC spokesperson, the radio station “is renowned for spreading unfounded and unconfirmed stories which are always laced with flavours of inflammatory and inciting content”.

“The National Broadcasting Commission Act, CAP N11, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 spells out in chapter 2, subsection 2, that: No person shall operate or use any apparatus or premises for the transmission of sound or vision by cable, television, radio, satellite or any other medium of broadcast, from anywhere in Nigeria, except under and in accordance with the provisions of this Act,” the statement reads.

“Also, Section 15.4.1 of the Nigeria Broadcasting Code provides that: The Police shall prosecute any person engaged in any form of broadcasting or in possession of any broadcast equipment or apparatus in the country without a Licence or Permit for the purpose.

“Consequently, the Commission uses this opportunity to warn the general public that anybody who attempts to operate broadcasting in Nigeria without legal authorisation of the National Broadcasting Commission will be prosecuted and the equipment confiscated, according to Law.”

In as much as it is very important for citizens to be abreast with the major events happening within and outside their territory it is however much more imperative that whatever information that is being disseminated, must be true, thorough, factual and devoid of any form of fake or malicious motivation to incite or ensue chaos.

Gift Joseph Okpakorese

Staff Writer

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