Home Community News MLK Community Health Foundation – Message from our CEO

MLK Community Health Foundation – Message from our CEO


Hospitals manage emergencies every day. It is what we are trained to do, and we do it exceptionally well here. But this emergency is unique, and will be longer lasting than anything we’ve experienced before—it will require extraordinary effort from all of us.

I want to provide an update on what we’re doing at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital in response to COVID-19.

For our patients and community:

  • We’ve created a coronavirus information page to answer questions and offer guidelines to prevent the spread of infection, as well as a telehealth services page to help decrease pressure on our Emergency Department
  • We’ve set up a call center to help answer health questions and direct community members to services
  • We’ve erected two new tents outside of the Emergency Department, donated by the International Medical Corps, to handle an influx of patients

Keeping our clinical staff safe and reducing their risk during this time is also a top priority.

For our staff:

  • We are taking precautions against a personal protective equipment shortage and engaging creative solutions, such as training and deploying volunteer groups to create a supplementary supply chain of gowns, masks, and face shields
  • We have daily management updates and regular briefings with state and county public health departments
  • Our command center continues to function around the clock with new leaders being trained as backup for every role

During this time, it’s important for all of us to care for ourselves, our families, and one another. Caring and community can be our greatest strengths in fighting this crisis.

We’ll continue to keep you updated on ways to join our fight. Thank you for being part of our community.

Yours in health,
Dr. Elaine Batchlor

PS. And a message from our nurses: you‘re safer at home.

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