It is no longer news that Lucy was the latest housemate to be evicted from the BBNaija 2020 reality show, but the events that happened prior to her eviction stole the attention that Lucy’s eviction deserved.
Lucy did not say a romantic farewell or show an emotional goodbye in form of hugs and kisses even to her favorite housemates the moment her name was announced by Ebuka the host of the reality show. She also had a lot of reasons why her time in the Big Brother’s house came to an end from the perspective of viewers who voted her out, and from the housemates whom she lived with.
When asked by the host Ebuka why she didn’t say a proper goodbye to fellow housemates, she replied that I didn’t want to cry or be emotional, because, if I do the kisses and hugs that’s exactly what will happen.
When further quizzed by the host whom she thought voted her out of the competition, she simply said everyone. Upon revelation of the clips of those who actually nominated her, it was discovered that almost, if not all the housemates, indeed put her up for eviction.
The question on the mind of her fans is that, why was she the most nominated by housemates to leave the show, and why did the she get the least number of votes from viewers?
The answer to the question above is not farfetched because Lucy was the most confrontational and controversial personality in the show, a fact which she personally attested to. She had altercations with basically almost every housemate especially during her time as head of house, and during preparations for group tasks or weekly wagers.
She found it difficult to connect with any housemate emotionally, and she often had the impression that everyone was against her and her opinions and contributions were not often appreciated by housemates. She felt she was being antagonised and easily ignored or picked upon by housemates and she was often on the defensive.
Housemates didn’t find this behaviour of hers funny anymore, especially when she began to make sarcastic comments that insulted the common image and integrity of housemates generally.
They claimed she always liked to give out advice but hardly listens when someone is trying to give her same, or correct her. She fell out with even her friends Dorathy and Prince who were always there for her, and had her back, when she decided to switch teams claiming she didn’t like the team she’s been working with.
Neo did not like the precedent she was setting and spoke out, and other housemates including the head of house Erica spoke to her about it as well. This as usual, did not go down well with her and it led to a quagmire, as all housemate had to tell her the truth of her behaviour to her face.
Meanwhile Trikytee who is presently, the new head of house has been perceived by viewers to be a cat with nine lives, because, he had been fighting the battle for survival in the house right from day one.
It’s interesting to note that despite the fact that Trikytee is one of the most free and humorous housemate of this year’s episode, that did not stop him from being up for eviction every week.
In fact this is the only week he’s not been up for eviction and that’s simply because he won the head of house challenge.
Viewers are of the opinion that he’s been favoured by grace because when the power of eviction was in the hands of housemates Trikytee was always being saved by housemates, and when the tables turned, Trikytee was being saved by fans and viewers.
He never ceases to show appreciation to Big Brother and thank God for the privilege and grace bestowed on him each day and week that he’s been saved and given the opportunity to remain in the Big Brother’s house.