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Nigeria: A Failed State And Convenient Excuse Of Covid 19 Pandemic by Ike Agbatekwe

 Covid 19 Pandemic
Covid 19 Pandemic

As the year 2022 begins in earnest, it is natural to reflect on the events of the past year and even yonder to hopefully strategies for a way forward.

But in the case of a failed state like Nigeria, there is never a way forward, but a way to further degeneration. The impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic has equally created a convenient excuse for the continued bad governance in our homeland.

Oh had it not been for the pandemic, we would have moved mountains! Such are the echoes of failure that we have heard in the past couple of years. And of course, why not cry foul, when most advanced countries are weeping about the impact of the pandemic.

The excuse for failure in governance, couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. The unending corrupt practices in public and private sector- has been a ravaging Pandemic in Nigeria through the years, the decaying state of our infrastructure has been a Pandemic, the non-existing social services is a Pandemic that we have gotten used to, the insecurity in the whole country blame it on the pandemic.

I could go on and on, but at some point one has to show sympathy for this pandemic which has actually killed less Nigerians than hunger and starvation-due to the existing pandemic of bad governance.

For most Nigerians the impact of Covid Pandemic is at the bottom of their list of troubles. When the lower ebb of Civil servants are owed salaries in areas leading to the new year, do we blame it on the Pandemic?When the so-called hospitals are poorly equipped with non existence of needed drugs( Even with the supplies from World Health Organization), do we blame it on the Pandemic? When our roads are mere death traps-due to years of negligence, do we blame it on the Pandemic? When the so-called unknown gunmen are having a field day in different regions of the country, do we blame it on the Pandemic? When corrupt government officials are not prosecuted properly in accordance with the law, do we blame it on the Pandemic? (And these are just a few of our societal ills)

The fact remains, that the decadence in the Nigerian governmental system, is a disease that has no cure, unless our ruling class sincerely begins to address the unending Pandemic of corruption, which in my opinion is worse than the Covid 19 Pandemic.

Let’s keep hoping for a happy new year, which can only be, if another Jerry Rawlings emerges in Nigeria.

Happy new year to everyone, for whatever it’s worth.

Ike Agbatekwe
Life and Times News
Los Angeles, California

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