Home Jokes of the day The Mr. No Nonsense Guy Shows A Lady Pepper

The Mr. No Nonsense Guy Shows A Lady Pepper


The following conversation happened between Mr.Akpors and a lady sitting next to him at a table in a hotel;

: hello madam?
Lady: what is it?
Akpors: sorry madam , just wanted to ask what the time is on your watch?
Lady: ehee …now you think my watch is used as a public clock huh? Go away and stop wasting my time
Akpors: but madam
Lady: shut up!!!

Akpors takes out his Apple iphone and makes a call
Akpors: hello John I just settled from Washington D.C can you please tell me what time it is right now so that I set my clock to the local time since it still reads American time? *she listens*

Ok, thank you and today don’t forget to come for the galaxy tablet that you requested * she listens*
Since my girl is still in America bring me a beautiful girl to spend my money with tonight Ok, bye

Lady: sir the time is ….
Akpors: shut up !!!!!

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