Home Jokes of the day Bad Market

Bad Market

An vector illustration of a police officer writing a ticket to a red cartoon style drawn automobile.
An vector illustration of a police officer writing a ticket to a red cartoon style drawn automobile.

Zulu was drivin an old Toyota, he was stopped by a traffic police officer.
Officer: Where are the mirrors?
Zulu: They are lost
Officer: Insurance disc and certificate?
Zulu: I dont have sir.
Officer: What about indicators?
Zulu: They don’t work.
Officer: Hooter?
Zulu: It also doesn’t work sir!
Officer: Ok give me your licence!
Zulu: Missing sir.
Officer: kikikii, Just go now, U cannot afford to pay the fine, too much contravening.
(Zulu doesn’t leave but remains quiet in the car)
Officer: I said go before I change my mind.
Zulu.. Starter problem help me push sir…

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