Home News Funny scenes as man bags 30 days penalty to wash public toilet...

Funny scenes as man bags 30 days penalty to wash public toilet for contempt in court

contempt in court
contempt in court

Gift Joseph Okpakorese

It is a well-proven fact that one of the surest places where anyone is expected to exercise full decorum, comportment, and order is the court of law. Ideally, many who have been privileged to attend a court hearing, are aware that disorder and chaos can never be tolerated or treated lightly during court sessions.

It is therefore insane for anyone to contemplate going to a court hearing to misbehave or to cause mayhem or fight with anyone without expecting to be penalized.

This seemed to be the error of a local indigene from Ibadan who felt he could act the way he pleased while in a court session.

Media reports recently revealed to the general public the funny episode of a man from the ancient city of Ibadan who was ordered to wash a public toilet for 30 days for being rude to the court.

According to the story, an Ile-Tuntun Customary Court in Ibadan, last week Wednesday, sanctioned a man, whose name was given as Jimoh Falola, to wash public toilets for 30 days as a result of his inappropriate behavior in court.

The presiding judge, Chief Henry Agbaje, in his ruling, opined that Falola the culprit in question, had no proper training, sense of decorum, and respect for constituted authority referring particularly to the way he rained insults and his constant abusive language in addressing people, while the court was sitting.

As a result of his unruly behavior, Agbaje thereafter authorized Falola to be taken out of the court by the security officials, pending when he was willing to act responsibly and carry himself in a decent and civilized manner.

Furthermore, Agbaje proceeded to give him a special punishment for his contempt and insolence in court.
In his ruling;
”He is ordered to embark on 30-day community service which includes clearing the bush, sweeping the cutting, road sweeping, and washing of public toilets.

Meanwhile, the arbitrator subsequently adjourned the case until March 29 for a further hearing.

Apparently, according to the narrative of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), it revealed that Opeyemi the wife of Falola had documented a divorce suit against her estranged husband, Falola who on his part deliberately declined to appear on two sittings.

When he finally materialized, he indicted the court employees of obtaining money as an inducement from his wife to favor her.

Reports also confirmed that he, Falola, kept screaming at the top of his voice whilst the court was sitting and this irked the chief judge who consequently punished him for arrogance and adjourned the case till Monday 29th March 2021.



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