Due to the international travel bans to control the spread of the mysterious coronavirus, there is an apparent siege, whereby the so-called affluent and the downtrodden are trapped in the same hole.
At this critical juncture of emergent nature, our government must begin the promulgation of policies towards a sustainable Healthcare delivery system.
●Begin modification of our existing infrastructure and construction of new ones to accommodate our ever-growing population.
●These infrastructures also need to be equipped with modern technological equipment, other than our usual reliance on those donated by charities.
●Procurement of drugs by licensed pharmaceutical companies should be regulated to avoid cases of substandard drugs permeating our borders.
●The apparent brain drain of our medical professionals who are respected worldwide can be curbed by creating an equitable salary and reward system, where their talent and service to humanity is appreciated.
This will definitely deter our medical doctors and nurses from migrating to other countries in search of greener pastures.
●The system should also have a realistic medical coverage system to accommodate the poor masses who remain the most vulnerable in a society where they have no financial muscle or a functional welfare system.
●And more importantly, there is a need for proper checks and balance system to ensure that the funds allocated for these ventures are not derailed; because as it is always the case with Nigeria- there is always an awaiting vulture ready to scavenge on our commonwealth.
If this becomes the singular accomplishment by any government in our quadrennial political cycle, it will go down in history as a significant mark of good leadership and achievement.

Ike Agbatekwe
Editor @ Large
Life and Times-News
Los Angeles, California