Home Community News Sheltered Emily by Author Biola Shofu

Sheltered Emily by Author Biola Shofu


“Sheltered Emily” illustrates how faith provided an edge for the author, not only to beat the odds against her but to reach high goals. She did this as a victim of childhood molestation leading to adult sexual abuse. She was a British, homeless, single mother of three and an illegal-alien struggling on the streets of LA.

Emily’s only problem is Nanny’s adult son, Ronnie, and his sexual molestation of her. His treatment conditions her for similar scenarios later in life. However, at an early age, she gets to know the Lord intimately. Abuse shadows Emily’s life as she travels with her mother to Nigeria. She meets her lawyer father for the first time, survives a rough boarding school experience, and in university. Bad boyfriends and several years later, Emily battles a barrage of trials and setbacks in the US, including a failed marriage, with three children in tow. Homelessness follows, and Emily’s insurmountable troubles reach a tipping point when she flees a murderous relationship. Still, her treasure lies in a passionate, adventurous faith that only flourishes the more grief she suffers. She knows that God’s got her back. Although clueless of the underlying reasons for the chaos, she’s fast getting to the bottom of it.

Author, Biola Shofu was born in London and moved to Nigeria as a pre-teen. She currently resides in Los Angeles. Her favorite activities include her occupation as a commissioned portrait artist and as a workshop facilitator and speaker. Biola is the proud mother of three adult sons, each successful in their own right.

Book  signing on Saturday December 9 2017 by 2PM

Venue: 2419 Cloverfield Avenue, Santa Monica, CA  90405

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