Home News Shake up your cabinet, give room for referedum…Bakare’s message to Buhari

Shake up your cabinet, give room for referedum…Bakare’s message to Buhari


Tunde Bakare, serving overseer of Latter Rain Assembly (LRA), has asked President Muhammadu Buhari to shake up his cabinet and restructure the country.

Giving his ‘State of the Nation’ address on Sunday, Bakare said the wicked people surrounding the president must be shown the way out.

“May 29 this year will mark two full years of this administration in government. We have no more time to waste. Mr. President must galvanize his team to get the job done,” Bakare said.

“Square pegs in round holes must be removed or put in appropriate places; the wicked who surround the righteous must be led away from the presence of the king.

“Those who cannot stand the heat must get out of the kitchen. It is time to demonstrate leadership, wise judgment and astute public policy that guarantees stable and prosperous nationhood upon a foundation of peace; it is time to build a well-ordered nation with strong institutions dispensing justice.

“It is time to arise with patriotic zeal to build a great 28 nation such that, years from now, generations yet unborn will look back at their history, not with disdain, but with gratitude to God that our generation preceded theirs.”


Bakare also urged Buhari to give room for a referendum on Nigeria’s unity.

“Let the Nigerian people decide. From the United Kingdom’s European Union membership referendum, to the constitutional plebiscite in Italy, we have seen examples of how this is done.

“The notion that the Nigerian nation is non-negotiable will remain contested through agitations, until we summon enough courage to put it to the test, and prove, through the outcome, that we are indeed prepared to become a truly united nation.”


Using Israel as an example, he said the president must provide leadership and opportunity to restructure Nigeria.

“Israel began as 12 tribes and then transited to two kingdoms, the Kingdom of the North and the Kingdom of the South. Eventually, the two kingdoms became one nation with David as king over them.

“In like manner, we seek Nigeria’s transition from 36 states to 6 geopolitical zones that will become harbingers of a united nation led by patriotic and selfless leaders.”

Bakare insisted that the Buhari adminstration has a direction but he called on the CBN to discard the confusing exchange rate regime employed by the nation.

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  1. Yes, PMB should shake up his cabinet and in his fight against corruption, he should look into the people around him, minister’s, aides etc.


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