Home Nigerian Embassy Washington DC

Nigerian Embassy Washington DC

Hurry, and start your application process NOW!
Complete, and submit your completed applications with proof of online payment to Dr. Reginald Obiamalu, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Time is of the essence.
If you need assistance with completing the application process, help with be rendered with a nominal fee, just call 310-702-4566, anytime before 7:00 a.m. and after 4:00p.m. Monday to Friday, and anytime on weekends

Step I
Go to the Nigerian immigration website at
https://portal.immigration.gov.ng/index.htm or www.nigeriaembassyusa.org
1. Click on E-Passport Application Form
2. On passport type, select standard e-passport
3. On processing country, select United States, then click on start application
4. Choose one of the three application to use: Google, Yahoo, OpenID, and sign in with your password
5. Choose Washington DC office as your processing center while filling out the online application
6. Once you have completed the application, first, click on the “submit” button so that the system will generate an Application ID number and a Reference number at the top middle section of the first page, then scroll to the bottom of the application and click on “print”. First print out the entire application sheets (3 pages in most cases), before proceeding to payment. You can also scan and email the application to me before proceeding to payment
7. If you find it difficult to make your online payment with a credit/debit card, please go to the US Postal office and purchase the appropriate amount of money order, and then come back to the Nigerian Immigration website and click on “Application Payment Status” follow the prompts and choose the money order payment option. Be sure to overnight the actual money order to Innovate 1 in Connecticut, in order to be appropriately credited for your application. Do not mail your money order to Innovate after June 26, 2017. You will need to bring the application fee with you to your appointment
8. Once the payment confirmation email is received, go to
https://portal.immigration.gov.ng/passport/passportPaymentStatus and print out the Passport Payment Slip & Passport Acknowledgment Slip.

Step II
Copies of the following three items are needed from you in order to be processed by the embassy officials:
i) Application Data pages, with your application ID and reference numbers on the first page, ii) Passport Payment Slip, and iii) Passport Acknowledgment Slip.
If you are not able to access the Nigerian immigration website and complete the application process, contact us and we will direct you to providers who can help you for a nominal fee. Also, “gate crashers” will be attended to, only after those with appointments have been served. They should exercise patience, and every assistance rendered with filling out, printing, or generating online applications, will incur additional fees.
Document Drop-off Procedure:
1. You should scan all three application docs and email to: reginaldobiamalu@ymail.com.
Please email your application materials on time, Appointments are on a 1st email response, 1st Serve basis. 2. You can also mail your completed application docs to: P.O. Box 426, Long Beach, CA. 90801. Do not send it by Registered Mail. Last day to pick up applications from the mailbox is Monday, June 26, 2017.

Step III
Once we get your completed application in step II, we will send you an appointment notification through the email address provided in your application. Please adhere strictly to your appointment date and time. You do not have a choice as to what date and time to come for processing.
A. FEES: There are two separate fees in the entire e-passport exercise, and they are:
1) Online Application Fees:
– Under 18 years & Above 59 years = $77, between 18 years and 60 years = $106
– Visa Application Fee is $180 payable online if you want a Visa
– Lost Passport will incur an additional $350 together with all other required fees
2)OrganizationFees of $125 by every applicant
This is payable at your scheduled processing appointment, so bring it with you to your appointment. Do not put in drop-off envelope.
If you are unable to make your online application payment to Innovate, bring it to the processing venue.
*The Embassy is No Longer Charging Processing Fee
B. What To Bring To Your Processing Appointment:
i) Copies of your application materials you sent to us
ii) Your Express or Priority Mail Envelope with the appropriate stamps, tracking slip, and address label
iii) Your old Nigerian Passport
iv) Two passport photographs (for both passport and visa applications)
v) Organization fee of $125, in cash preferably, No personal checks please.
It is your responsibility to arrive at the processing center with all required documents. Any assistance rendered to you with preparing, retrieving or photocopying any required items, will incur additional fees

For Assistance with Visas/EPassport/Emergency Travel Certificates Application Preparation/information or questions, call
Dr. Reginald Obiamalu @ 310-702-4566
(Mondays – Fridays- before 7:00 a.m. & after 4:00 p.m. and anytime on weekends)


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