Home Jokes of the day Great Poem from Akpos

Great Poem from Akpos


A class teacher in naija dey instructs his students to each stand up and make a short poem about thier name and what they’d like to do in future.

The first to start is Usman, he said..

USMAN; my name is usman
I will grow up and be a man
I will like to go to japan
if I can, if I can

The second student is a girl named Candy, she said..

CANDY; my name is candy
I will grow up and be a lady
and i will like 2 have a baby
if i can, if i can

and finally there is Akpos, the original naija guy, he said..

Akpos; my name is Akpos
I will grow up to be a man
to hell with japan
am going to help candy with her plan
i know i can , i know i can…

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