Home Community News Chike Nweke recites “Our Proud Heritage ” at IBOR Black History Month...

Chike Nweke recites “Our Proud Heritage ” at IBOR Black History Month celebration 02/072017


The Inglewood Board of Realtors- a historically minority Realtors Board with over 700 members serving the black & other communities for over 100 years in Southern California celebrated “Black History Month” at it’s Spring 2017 meeting on February 7th 2017.

CEO & Publisher of Life and Times Media Group, Hon. Chike Nweke who is also a serving Director of the Board and a State Director of the California Association of Realtors anchored the event and did a recitation of this enlightening poem he wrote in celebration of black history month and  our proud heritage-

Our Proud Heritage..
At the dawn of civilization
our progenitors were the first to walk
this virgin earth defining the course of humanity
Creating tools, discovering fire,
establishing the earliest ways of man..

We taught the world the tenets of peace
We defined the art of war
We established the rules of commerce
In Nubian Egypt, we discovered the
mysteries of science and technology that the world
is still trying to unravel

In these dark ages of civilization-
the marauding Barbaric Saxons from the West
and the wily Semitics from Arabia- pillaged
and raped our heritage..
Carried our scions into servitude in the new world..
Truncated the trajectory of our growth and civilization
Stole our technologies, arts & artifacts
Brought us strange gods and strange beliefs
Mutilated all that that made us and humanity great
and the fine contributions we made to the
beauty of creation.. into strange apparitions
that continue to haunt humanity..

To a civilization that sired-
The great Nubian Pharaohs
The mysteries of the pyramids and our bloodlines
The advances of the ancient Nri, Nok culture
The unfathomable wealth of Mansa Musa of Mali
The Valor of Queen Amina of Zaria & Harriet Tubman
The mastery of War of Shaka the Zulu
The great oratorical skills and leadership of Martin Luther King
The depth of the great teacher & leader- Mandela the Madiba
The lightening rod for the future in Barack Obama..

We in our blackness & greatness-
Will rise again.
Black History Month

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