Home Entertainment Black Panther is now the Highest Grossing Superhero Movie of All-Time in...

Black Panther is now the Highest Grossing Superhero Movie of All-Time in the U.S


Popular superhero movie, Black Panther” is now the Highest Grossing Superhero movie of All-Time in the U.S.

Black Panther surpasses The Avengers as Highest Grossing Superhero movie of All-Time. The much talked about Black Panther movie has broken several records by surpassing its fellow Marvel Studios cinematic piece The Avengers as the highest grossing superhero movie of all-time in the United States.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, the movie achieved this milestone on Saturday going past The Avengers which was released in 2012 and grossed $623.4million in the box office.

Black Panther is also one of seven movies to ever surpass the $600million mark in the box office.

On a global scale, the movie has earned close to $1.2billion dollars and is predicted to surpass Iron Man 3 ($1.214billion) by Sunday.

Courtesy: OSG

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