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BBNaija 2020: Dorathy and Nengi finally opens up on their feelings for Ozo.

BBNaija 2020
BBNaija 2020

Dorathy and Nengi, finally gets to have a friendly and honest conversation about their feelings and relationship with Ozo.

At the beginning of the BBNaija 2020 reality TV show, there were so many insinuations among housemates and fans that there existed a love triangle between Ozo, Nengi, and Dorathy. This speculation of viewers was further confirmed by Ozo when he chooses Dorathy as his deputy head of house, when everyone clearly thought and believed that Nengi should have been his obvious choice. Ebuka also added to the rumours when he questioned all three of them at the BBNaija 2020 live evictions show that followed immediately after the incidence of their presumed love triangle.

After series of tricky questions from Ebuka at the BBNaija 2020 live eviction show, Nengi was surprised claiming she had no knowledge of these speculations going on in the Big Brother’s house and that she was just hearing all of these especially as she and Ozo had barely even had any meaningful conversation.

Dorathy was not just interested in being caught up in a love triangle and was so pissed at the fact that her name was mentioned in that triangle in the first place. She transferred most of her anger to Ozo whom she claimed, was not been straight forward with the whole scenario and asked him to try and set things straight for housemates and by extension viewers, to make them understand that absolutely nothing is going on between them.

Meanwhile, Ozo kept on playing coy and acting with diplomacy trying not to offend Dorathy and Nengi, by his words and actions, with the passage of time however, Ozo settled for Nengi and many thought that this was perhaps because Dorathy decided to stay away from the whole situation.

It is true that OZO never hid his love for Nengi calling her ”His spec” when it comes to relationship and dating, it still didn’t stop him from maintaining a cordial and professional relationship with Dorathy. Again, though it was seen by viewers that Dorathy and Nengi never had any altercations it was due to the fact that they both kept to their space and avoided any situation that could have lead to such.

They eventually sat down to chat about all these; funnily enough three days after Ozo left the BBNaija 2020 show. They both found out that they had serious misconceptions of themselves, which they realised was engineered by fellow housemate’s impressions of them.

On Wednesday evening Nengi and Dorathy while having a conversation revealed how much they had actually liked and admired each other and hoped for a cordial friendship but because of all the back and forth with Ozo they both decided to stay apart from each other.

BBNaija 2020: I don’t fight over men – Dorathy

Dorothy said to Nengi, ” I didn’t notice a lot of people in the house because of Ozo when we first came to the house. We were as close as friends and we chatted a lot about neutral stuffs like work, home, family, her sisters etc…Ozo kept saying to me that you were his crush… I felt I was in your middle, as a lady, I hated fighting and quarrelling over men…I am a free spirited and jovial person so I hate problems and run away from impending dangers… Am much of an happy person to be bothered by anything…Ozo always kept coming back to me complain of certain things and I advised him objectively without any ill feelings… I probably misinterpreted the scripts because I thought you were playing a game and I didn’t want to be part of that she concluded.”

Nengi, replying to Dorathy said ”I was so lost when Ebuka brought it up at the live Evictions… I was head of house in the first week so I was always in my lounge… I wasn’t the one doing all the match making perhaps it was the guys who were trying to match make us…am a very free and playful person who don’t like to be boxed, on the other hand, Ozo is clingy and possessive and that was the reason for most of the quarrels we had… remember I use to come to your bed with my kits to do my makeups but you kept yourself away… I really wanted for us to be friend because I saw similarities in our personalities but the whole talk of Ozo spoilt everything..”

Dorathy smiled and said that, ”see how long it took for us to have this conversation… and imagine what a great friendship could have been, if not for the misconceptions…Am not a bad person but I didn’t want to be a part of the games I thought was going on with you guys at that time.”

The conversation ended on a cheerful note with both of them apologizing to each other, and regretted how they both handled the situation and not talking about how they felt earlier. They both hugged and promised to have a great friendship even after the BBNaija 2020 show.


Gift Joseph Okpakorese
Staff Writer
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