Home Jokes of the day Akpos in an interview on Female Affairs.

Akpos in an interview on Female Affairs.


Coordinator: Can you tell us the differences between Girl and A Woman?

»A Girl searches for a rich man
»A Woman searches for a caring and loving man

»A Girl envies those who move ahead and hate the players
»A Woman shares their knowledge and help others move ahead by not hating the players but teaching them the rules to the game.

»A Girl measures her man’s worth by the weight of his pocket.
»A Woman measures her man’s worth by his level of Wisdom and the fear of God, and how disciplined he can be towards his finances.

»A Girl breaks up with silly excuses
»A Woman has endurance, knowing that everything happens for a reason

»A Girl thinks about present
»A Woman thinks about the future of youand herself

»A Girl loves to have many guys going after her
»A Woman knows the law of demand (Cheap things have high purchasers)

»A Girl takes relationship affairs outside
»A Woman solves the problems within herself and her partner

»A Girl demands for money to buy make-Ups
» A Woman demand for money to fulfill her plans

»A Girl gets hurt by one man and makes all other men pay for it.
»A Woman knows that, that was just ONE man.

»A girl is “learning”…
»A woman “knows”

»A Girl will read this and get an attitude.
»A Woman will read this and pass it to other women…

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