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Agitations: Nigeria better together, says US


United States of America has cheery news for Nigeria: the country is better together, amid calls by some secessionist groups.

Bearer of the unity message was United States of America Ambassador to Nigeria, Stuart Symington, who said Nigerians who preach unity will overcome those calling for secession.

Symington said this at an event to celebrate America’s 241st anniversary, in Abuja, yesterday.

The US envoy said his country and Nigeria share many similarities and, most notably, diversity.

Symington recounted  how the first American President, George Washington, warned that those who seek to weaken a country would always seek to start by causing disunity.

He said, just like America, Nigeria will remain a united country because of its determined people and leaders.

“Every time we have been challenged, we overcame danger because we had visionary leaders committed to union and citizens committed to ensuring justice for all.

“Today, Nigeria is fortunate to have such leaders and citizens. Together, they are dedicated to keeping Nigeria united and just ensuring that every Nigerian is heard and taken into account and treated fairly.

“Together, those Nigerians will overpower any call to divide this nation. Thanks to them, thanks to you, the lamp of unity and justice burns brightly both in our nations tonight. And the sight of a united Nigeria’s light lifts Africa and with it, the world.”

The US envoy said Nigeria’s diversity is an inspiration to many countries. He said that, just like the US, Nigeria’s plurality is a source of strength.

“Wherever I meet a Nigerian, I ask ‘What do you like the most about your country?’ I like our diversity, our resilience, our energy, our warmth, our spirit, our food’ is the response.

“Just like the United States, Nigeria is a wonderfully diverse nation whose differences and diversity are sources of strength and reason for pride.”

Meanwhile, the All Progressives Congress (APC) and Kaduna State Governor, Nasir El-Rufai, have rejected calls for the restructuring of the country.

National Chairman of the APC, Chief John Odigie-Oyegun, stated that the priority of the Federal Government is not restructuring, but “to fix the economy, restore hope to Nigerians and create jobs for the teaming youths”, while El-Rufai described those calling for restructuring as “opportunists and irresponsible.”

El-Rufai, who spoke on a television programme monitored in Lagos, yesterday, said President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration has done far more in practical terms than past administrations. He said many of those calling for restructuring see it as opportunism.

The governor said some of the practical steps taken towards restructuring is inclusion of state governors in economic policy-making at the national level.

He said things that had been hidden from state governments are now much more open as they are now more involved in investigations of finances of the Excess Crude Account, among other things.

“We meet every month under the auspice of the National Economic Council (NEC), and working together with the Federal Government, we chart directions of economic policy, and that is part of shifting the federal-state balance. A lot of the talk about restructuring is political opportunism and irresponsibility, in my opinion.

“People who have presidential aspirations think there is a platform upon which they will exploit this. As I said, if you look at the APC manifesto, all the elements to divulge power to the state to change the balance in the Federation are there, and we are committed to that as a party.

“The national chairman of our party will restate that commitment and we are discussing it and, as I said President Muhammadu Buhari and (Prof. Yemi) Osinbajo’s government has taken very concrete steps, rather than rhetorics, to actually move in that direction, and we are going to move in that direction. But, we do not believe the basis, for it is rhetoric and opportunism; we do not believe that the 2014 National Conference report is a sensible basis to even begin.

“We all know the circumstances under which the so-called Confab was put together, we all know the composition, how lopsided it was, how important stakeholders were not taken into account, how even the composition and numbers do not reflect the demographics and the diversity of this country, and we took a position, as a party, not to participate, but to encourage our state governors to be there at the table.”

Speaking in Abuja, Oyegun noted that although the party avoided the word ‘restructuring’ in its manifestoes, it promised devolution of power and true federalism.

He, however, declared that the party won’t renege on its manifesto. “A lot of people talk about restructuring without any commonality. We have stated clearly what we want to do; devolution, true federalism.

We really avoided the word restructuring because it means so many things to so many people. But, our priority for now, for today is to fix the economy and restore hope, provide jobs to the teaming millions of our youths all over the country. So, it is a matter of priority.”

Asked if the APC-led federal government will allow ‘Biafrans’ to secede, Oyegun said: “I think that is the most unlikely thing, I don’t think it will go that far.”

Meanwhile, former Information minister and chieftain of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP), Prof. Jerry Gana, has joined the call to restructure Nigeria.

He insisted that the solution for increased agitation by different ethnic groups  lies with implementation of the 2014 confab report. 

Gana, who spoke at the public presentation of a book, “African Study Bible” in Abuja, yesterday, said government “cannot afford to turn deaf ears to the loud cry of Nigerians to the call for restructuring of the Nigerian system.” 

Courtesy: THE SUN

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  1. Yes, we are better together but all Nigerians should be treated equally. One’s religion, ethnic group or even political affiliation shouldn’t matter when it comes to entitlements.

  2. My People,

    A non-violence agitation is not a bad thing at all. However, for the much loud noise making of Biafra Biafra Biafra, I wonder what gives the South East the confidence of surviving if granted the exit from Nigeria. Please tell us if you know it.

    My questions are;
    1. are we self sustained as “would be sovereign state” that is just as size of a ranch? Long Beach is self sustainable in comparison. 2. What are the surviving projects instituted by our south east governors? Nothing..none. Any plans at all? It’s a shame that all Igbos do is, as gorgeously industrious as the Igbos are, run to a developed area of Nigeria and develop it more leaving “Biafra”.
    3. Any plans to develop Aba as the great sustainable business hub of south east? Is a shame.
    4. What happened to Enugu coal mine? Any plan to get it backup to resourceful state? Isn’t it a shame?
    5. How about Enugu market, Onitsha markets? Any reasonable revenue generation from these resourceful ends?
    6. Any successful, I mean real successful entrepreneurship development education plans especially for youths? Please tell us just one or a person. Shameful isn’t it?
    My People,
    Entrepreneurship Education is a tool for human capital development (HCD). It is a process of inculcating norms, values, creativeness, innovation, attitude and social attributes to individuals so that they can be useful to themselves and integrate effectively into the society. Any plans for this in BIAFRA yet?
    7. Any plans to dredge Niger River for possible water transportation? Whatever happened to the concluded plans for 2nd Niger bridge? Please let us know if you have the slight knowledge of it. Shameful isn’t it?
    8. We have Uguta lake and many other self-sustainable waters and resourceful ends, what happened to them all?
    9. Tell me any external support systems in place “for sovereign village Biafra”?
    10. Do we have just one clean, reliable hospital? Any health care systems?
    And on and on people.
    May be finally, 11. Would all agitators, all Igbos in the western world come home to fight together when your “would be oppositions” start butchering the Igbos?
    Ok, 12. Do you have any trained army, to defend your Igbo land when they start bombing the nasty heck out of Igbo land.

    13. Any road / road network in Igbo land?

    14. Is all Igbo states marriage strongly bound together? Ha ha ha ha..think again.

    Who will support Igbos out of our selfish attitudes and non-brotherhood lifestyle?
    Igbo culture demands “ako na uche” of “get all first” then make noise.
    To me, Igbos are not ready at all as a sovereign state or village crap.

    How do we say that? We ain’t got shit as Igbos people.

    We can make loud noise, yes! acceptable but we need to be self-sustained, then officially write to Nigerian government for peaceful exit (Biexit, Igbexit I will call it). Then peaceful dialogue will take its course.

    Since there is a reasonable lack in “ako na uche” among Igbos, I think we Igbos need to chill-lax with the Biafra noise thingy for now because it sounds so childish.
    YOU KNOW WHAT WE ALL NEED IF YOU ASK ME? Restructuring the entire nation Nigeria and carry all ethnicity together.
    Oh! WIC and all these “IGBO Organizations in the diaspora, y’all better be on ground in Biafra and see how old and young “biafrans are dropping dead due to hunger and all that. No much English. Get down to Biafra “Nihi na onye ulo ya bu ugegbe anaghi atu ulo ya okwute.

    Nevertheless, I’m a proud Igbo man but let’s get it all together.

    Chika Duru

  3. Chika, your insight on this is very literate in nature but to a typical Igbo man, who is mainly concerned about how many blocks he could purchase, it is meaningless. I personally told all these to Kalu at the Four Star Sheraton in Los Angeles on the night he supposedly made the statement that got him 2 years imprisonment. Others in that audience regarded my saying as “COMEDY”. You are here telling us the truth but truth is the last thing to tell an Igbo man. For me, I just ride the storm with our new generation leaders. I have noticed that many in USA acquired a PHD degree online, just to announce “Reserve this date for a wake keep”. I see them doing things or leading people the same way our ancestors did, which to me is obsolete in modern America. To each his own my man and as an old school, you know where we have been and done. There ain’t no one in diaspora, who gonna leave the good ole hamburgers to go fight for Biafra. It is all mouth my man and folks like Peter Obi will take advantage of the situation to pose in a photo up with senator Ryan. Let the wannabees have their day. I am out

  4. Nwanna:

    You and many others surprise me. You guys forget that it is either a One Nigeria where all are treated equally, or it is Biafra. That strategy seems to be working to our advantage. But many of you are irresponsibly giving comfort to the enemies by expressing opposition to Biafra realization. I am yet to run into an Igbo who loves how Igbo are treated. I am yet to run into an Igbo who does not crave changes in how Igbo are treated. If you don’t want Biafra, work 24/7 to see that Igbo are treated equally in Nigeria, making the idea of a Biafra moot, if only you succeed. If you guys who don’t want the crave for Biafra as a means to an end had shown any measure of success in your endeavors to procure equal treatment for Igbo in Nigeria, Kanu and IPOB and MASSOB would not have had any traction. But since Kanu and IPOB strategies are so effective, why don’t you ignore Kanu and IPOB and convince the Igbo enemies that if Igbo are treated equally in the new dispensation, that the crave for Biafra would be over?

    When are we going to learn anything about strategies? The Igbo enemies were not listening to you because you were nonchalant. Here come Kanu and IPOB, and the enemies are paying attention. Instead of quietly riding the coattails of Kanu and IPOB successfull strategies, you are abusing the guys who created the opportunities that emboldened you now to make demands of the enemies that you never dreamed of making.

    On the Ohaneze and Igbo Governors stance, I still don’t see a difference between their stance and that of Kanu and IPOB. Ohaneze and the Governors want a One Nigeria, provided Igbo are treated as any other citizen. Do Ohaneze and the Governors want a One Nigeria where Igbo are NOT treated equally? No. So they are now committed to working to see that Igbo are treated equally so that there is a resultant One Nigeria where Igbo are treated equally. But why now? Why did they wait until Kanu and IPOB had used their strategies to soften the enemies? The enemies are capitulating.

    Kanu and IPOB do not want a One Nigeria where Igbo are not treated equally. Ohaneze and Igbo Governors don’t want a One Nigeria where Igbo are not treated equally with everybody. What am I missing? And what is your point about not wanting Biafra even if Igbo are maltreated in a One Nigeria of the enemies’ dream? We should learn to read between the lines and recognize strategies that are working.

    And I am

    Ezeana Igirigi Achusim
    Nwa Dim Orioha AKA Onyeukwu

  5. Again Ezeani, not in a trade with democracy. Do your agitation but maintain democracy. If you remember our ancestors with their Nri Dynasty, it was democratic per se. Thjat is what Igbo represents

  6. Achusim:
    Please answer the questions listed below by Chika Duru. Please not stories, we have heard them enough. Just responses, please no cursing or throwing tantrums, enough of those too!
    And while on it, assure Nwandu that while you were hiding in Chicago during the first Nigerian civil war that this time, you and your loud-mouth-and-nothing-else cohort are ready to leave USA, Europe, etc to go fight. Please show us your medical record certifying that even with your age, you can lift a gun. Remember, not knives and sticks this time. And remember, you will have to learn the use of computer and other electronics.
    You are ready, right? Oh, your sons and daughters are ready to go, right? With you leading the troop from USA. Let’s call this battalion: “Chicago-based Igbo Army” under the leadership of Chief, sir, lolo, odi Issa, odi iri, Ezeana”. How does that sound sir? Any Igbo diaspora who refused to join would be denied USA citizenship and sent back to Igboland where they will … you know what I mean. Since most of are old with arthritis and other age-related disabilities, you will order us to go with our children and grand children, right? How am I doing so far sir? Oh, since none of us has a “Biafran” passport, how do we travel? Oh, I forgot, you will have the specially made submarine that will go from Chicago straight to Enugu, oh sorry, Enugu and Anambra already said they will not participate so that will be straight to Owerri, right. This kind of submarine can go “on land”, “on small water”, “on road”, it can even go in thin air without anyone seeing it! Afterall, remember that story about people from a town near Aba who are so strong that in their fight, you will only see knives and not the hands that bear the knives! (By the way, how did that work out in the 1966 war? Oh, you would not know since you were hiding in Chicago!) , I tell you sir, you are ready. You got your stuff already to go. Cheers! Joe

  7. Please Joe, do not bother Ezeani cause I am in his army of loud mouths. In our army, you get buried with a Visa regardless, so that you can come back to America in after life. Ezeani does not even know how hard and the length of the cue to get an American Visa, in case you wanna run away. I was there with some of you, heard the shelling, bullets, cries of hungry and dying. Ezeani only read about that in a publication but he is alright with me. He even ain’t gonna be there with you all if you win Biafra

  8. Superb:

    When the annals are compiled on the part Igbo in the Diaspora played in the war, Philip Achusim’s name will be there. Prominently. To date, any Ogbamgbada on stage anywhere I am present, pays respects to Ezeana. To date, any Atilogu group performing on any stage where Ezeana is in the audience, recognizes my presence. It is not bragging when you are telling the truth. So, chill. I performed at the Festival of the Arts Enugu when some of you were scared to promote your culture. When Ezeana arrived USA, the headline was “Africa Comes to America”. No small feat. Yes. We paid for the bullets you were firing.

    Every Nigerian is looking for Biafra. Some don’t know it. But the agitations for Biafra have liberated Nigerians and they still don’t get it. Before the agitations, you all were scared stiff to talk about restructuring. Now that Kanu and IPOB softened the enemies, everyone and their grandmother are asking for restructuring. If Kanu and IPOB were to make a clandestine deal, the enemies can say forget restructuring. Then what would you timid folks do? Cry uncle and go home to your sorry situations.

    Admit it. The agitations worked miracles. You guys don’t understand strategies. If Oyibo used any strategies half as the ones used here to mesmerize, you all would be applauding.

    Ya diba.

    And I am

    Ezeana Igirigi Achusim
    Nwa Dim Orioha AKA Onyeukwu


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