Home Op-Ed African Nations dealing with Coronavirus – by Osayande Aghaze

African Nations dealing with Coronavirus – by Osayande Aghaze


The Preparedness  of Africa Nations and the world at large to deal with this pandemic in light of lessons learnt from  Ebola Virus in Africa

The Covid-19 outbreak from Wuhan China has spread almost all the continents of the World except Antarctica -Unhabitated Continent.

Hundreds of people died in China, Iran, and Italy the severely gripped by a coronavirus. Though Africa has limited cases as reported but given the alarming and catastrophic situation rising every day.

As hundreds of cases are reported positive, fear, economic crisis, education, and health effects have played havoc to the countries to fight Covid-19. WHO has declared it a pandemic asking countries to follow the precaution or preventive measures and Isolation for those diagnosed positive.

The media is breaking news every moment adding the rise to the concerns regarding the sudden outbreak of the pandemic to more countries. The concerns and feelings of fear run high amid cancellations and postponement of all sporting activities, education, colleges, universities, and Weddings or public gatherings.

It is an alarming situation since neither vaccine nor injection has been made to treat those affected with the novel coronavirus. WHO cautions the countries with limited facilities to conduct tests and treat the patients advising states around the world especially Asia and Europe to take preventive measures until the vaccine to treat this deadly virus could be discovered by  Medical scientists and microbiologists.

At the moment Covid-19 has caused more deaths than Ebola outbreak in African countries, especially in Congo. According to reports that as per, the calculations based on the Center of disease control, the scenarios suggested that as many as  2.4 million to 21 million people in the U.S. could require hospitalization, potentially crushing the nation’s medical system, which has only about 925,000 staffed hospital beds as reported by Media.

The number is very low to house the huge number of affected people from covid-19. It may bring a panicking situation in a developed country like the USA. Less than a tenth of those are for people who are critically ill.

It would be disastrous to deal with the pandemic given the  Medical facilities available in the US and the African states.

At the moment, China is the worst hit with  3800 deaths due to novel coronavirus followed by Italy with  1800 deaths, South Korea with 75 deaths, Iran with  600 deaths.

Luckily, the situation Africa is under control since so far there are a few reported cases but there is no confirmation of the Virus cases yet.

The African nations have started preparations for fighting this deadly virus, They have one advantage of fighting with the Ebola virus and the lessons learnt from dealing with that epidemic such health and hygiene requirements.

Though African countries have limited resources and facilities yet they have started following the  WHO Precautionary measures to deal with  Possible outbreak of the deadly virus that has spread all over the world.

Its implications are dreadful and catastrophic for the world at large. The world has been struggling to deal with this pandemic as Schools, colleges, universities, restaurants, religious Places have been shut over the fears of this  Pandemic.

People are advised through the media campaigns and instructions circulated by WHO to adopt the precautionary measures to remain safe from this disease. Though the symptoms include fever, cough, close breathing affecting lungs, the precautionary material is being aired on Media to apprise people of this deadly virus that has been spreading at a massive scale.

Unfortunately, the medical scientists and microbiologists have not been able to discover any antidote to control it from the spread and contain it. Even  WHO appears to be helpless against this disease rather circulated precautionary measures to remain on the safe side until a vaccine could be made for the treatment of the virus.

Though the physicians have been advising the common treatment for fever such as Paracetamol and cough syrup and self-isolation to recover from this pandemic.

Till date, there are 100 reported cases in African Countries with two deaths happened in Morocco and Egypt each.

According to statistics of WHO the  Country wise break up of reported cases of Virus  covid-19: Algeria -20,  Burkina Faso-2, Cameron-2, Democratic Republic of Congo -1, Egypt highest number of cases  -59  includes one death, Morocco -3 with one death, Nigeria 2, Senegal 4, South Africa -13, Tunisia -5 and Togo -1. So far, the situation in African countries is normal only Egypt has the maximum number of cases reported.

The African Countries have been well-prepared to contain the outbreak that has played havoc around the world specifically in Asian countries I .e.China, Iran and Europe. There are at least 150000 reported cases worldwide and over 6000 deaths owing to this deadly virus including  3600 deaths in china alone following by  1800 deaths in Italy.

The Ebola Experience has enabled the African nations to develop a comprehensive plan to fight this NovelCoronaVirus. There are about 100 cases have been reported in 11AfricanCountries while there were only two deaths.

Most of the cases in Egypt are those passengers who had traveled from abroad and the crew members of the ship coming from the countries which are being worst or moderately affected by the deadly coronavirus. The reported cases are just imported out of Africa as there is not any domestic viral outbreak.

However, apart from the rest of the world, African states have done a tremendous job to contain Covid-19 by adopting strict preventive measures by completely banning Travel from the countries which are the worst affected by the  Corona Virus.

In this connection, Rwanda has not reported any case, yet it has advised the citizens to maintain hygiene in the country. Rwanda has installed hand Washing Taps and sanitizers to defeat the viral outbreak in the country.

Similarly, Kenya has not reported any cases, yet it has established the 120-bed Quarantine center and two Testing facilities at Nairobi.

Nigeria has also made mandatory to use hand sanitizers while visiting banks, restaurants, offices and supermarkets to limit the spread of deadly Novel Corona Virus.

Even several health workers have been deployed by the Government of Nigeria at the international Airports to screen the passengers to avert any possibility of a contracting virus.

According to News reports that the Experience of  Nigeria’s dealing with the Ebola  Virus has enabled the African Nations to adopt preventive measures to limit the contraction of  Novel Coronavirus in the country.

All the Airline companies have suspended their flights over the fears of Covid-19 that include RwandaAir, Kenyan Airlines, and Royal Air Morocco.

The lessons learnt from the  Ebola virus have strengthened the preparation of African Nations to fight  Novel coronavirus effectively since they have focused on maintaining hygiene in light of their dealing with the Ebola outbreak.

They have learnt that hand washing is the first line of defense against any viruses. The case studies of Ebola have furthered their defense.

On the other hand, China has been able to overcome the outbreak by bringing the number to single digits. WHO has also recommended learning from China how it faces this pandemic.

Chinese Experience should be utilized to help control the pandemic in Italy as it has been worst hit by Covid-19 where the death toll crossed 1800 People and Iran 600 people.

Even WHO should take experts from African countries, China and Europe to develop a strategy to fight this pandemic. The pandemic has been contracted in India with confirmed cases of107, Pakistan with confirmed cases of 50.

Though, the cases reported and confirmed in South Asia are mainly those who traveled to Iran, Syria, and China. There is so far no confirmed case of domestic nature or any death.

Finally, It is essential to follow WHO prescriptions to remain secure until the vaccine could be developed for this deadly virus.

WHO has cautioned the developing countries around the world to take preventive measures to prevent people from falling prey to this pandemic especially those who have limited resources and ill-prepared to fight this Deadly Covid-19 effectively.





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