Home Entertainment 2Yrs Old Marriage Set To Collapse As Wife Refuses To Return iPhone...

2Yrs Old Marriage Set To Collapse As Wife Refuses To Return iPhone 8 Gift She Received From Ex

iPhone 8
iPhone 8

Young couple’s marriage struggles as the wife insist on keeping a used iPhone 8 gift received from her ex-boyfriend.

In a chat with a relationship adviser, the lady in question reached out for help over the misunderstanding with her husband.

According to the 24-year-old lady, the ex-boyfriend acquired a new phone and offered his old iPhone 8 to the now-married lady.

The husband, however, refused his wife from taking such a gift from her ex-boyfriend while insisting on divorce should in case she keeps the phone.

“Hello Mama bi, Pls hide my identity. I want to know if my husband has the right by asking me to return a phone someone gave me as a gift. Meanwhile here is what happened. My ex upgraded his phone and dash me his old one. My hubby asked to return it back. 2 years of marriage. He has never bought me a phone and this phone is the first of its kind I’m having,” she said in part.


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