Home Op-Ed Our unrepentant law enforcers(Or Breakers)

Our unrepentant law enforcers(Or Breakers)

Pennsylvania State Police Troopers stand in front of the Rotunda at Marywood University in Scranton, Pa. on Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014, for the viewing of Pennsylvania State Trooper Cpl. Bryon Dickson on Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014, at Marywood University in Scranton, Pa. Dickson was killed on Friday night in an ambush shooting at the state police barracks in Blooming Grove Township. Authorities are looking for 31-year-old Eric Frein, of Canadensis, who is charged with killing one trooper and wounding another outside the barracks. (AP Photo/The Scranton Times-Tribune, Butch Comegys) WILKES BARRE TIMES-LEADER OUT; MANDATORY CREDIT
U.S. Police law enforcers
law enforcers

A few months ago, the killing of George Floyd at the hands of Minnesota police officers triggered a revolt that shook the roots of every tree in all enclaves around the world.

Although the protests died down a little bit, one will suppose that the message will revolutionize the way our law enforcement officials around the world carry out their sworn duties of serving and protecting their fellow citizens.
When the United States of America as a self acclaimed harbinger of democracy,  criticize countries around the world for human rights violation and terrorism, it sounds very laughable, because the daily occurrences and the subjugation of minorities in this country negates their assumed role of the world’s moral authority.
Even as we are mourning the killing of George Flyod and many other innocent victims that have been wasted by the so called law enforcers, the Kenosha police in the state of Wisconsin added more salt to our injury- by exploding their arsenal on another black fellow- in what seemed to be an assassination style shooting. Although Mr Jacob Blake is still clinging to life under support by medical personnel, there shouldn’t be any doubt that if he survives- he will never be in the original  form of God’s creation.
And so, where does America gain the moral  and religious authority to condemn our nations, as they abrogate a key biblical law endowed in article 6 of the ten commandments- that says” Thou shall not kill.”  Are we not supposed to lead by examples?
The discussion about police brutality in America has transcended racial boundaries, people of all racial backgrounds are seeing more reason for reform in policing- it is no longer a black and white issue- but rather, a systematic failure in governance.
When I covered the “Black lives matter” protest in the Hollywood district of Los Angeles a few months ago, shivers and tears rolled down my eyes, when I saw the overwhelming solidarity that was shown by mainly a large crowd of white people seconded by Blacks, Hispanics and other ethnic groups. This is a clear indication, that it is not the people that spread hatred and discord, but a broken system that has been handed down from one generation to another.
As the 2020 Presidential election heats up in the United States, and as we naturally expect without prophetic knowledge, the spin doctors are trying to politicize the trending events for political gains.
Gains out of blood shed, does this indeed reflect the true American spirit of social justice for all?
Ike Agbatekwe
Editor @ Large
Times and Life News
Los Angeles, California
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