Home Entertainment Lydia Forson Cautions Those Accusing Chris Attoh Of Murdering His Wife

Lydia Forson Cautions Those Accusing Chris Attoh Of Murdering His Wife


Actress Lydia Forson has reacted to accusations from social media which insinuates that Ghanaian actor Chris Attoh may be behind the murder of his wife Bettie Jenifer.

Bettie Jenifer was shot in America few days ago while returning from work. Description of the suspect may have led social media users into think Chris Attoh was behind the murder.

The fact that he raised suspicion by deleting all her pictures from his Instagram page could also be part of why the accusations went in his direction.

However, Lydia Forson of the opinion that people should be mindful of the kind of things they say on social media because they affect people in reality.

She shared:

You people don’t get that when you make comments on social media, it’s not in vacuum, it’s not to just your followers/friends.

Words travel, they have repercussions, they affect people in a very personal way.

If you can’t handle it being said to you, don’t say it to another.

She added:

Someone is going through a very public tragedy and instead of offering words of condolence; your immediate reaction is to point fingers and dig for conspiracies.

Source: Within Nigeria

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